LUCID is a collective space that inspires diversity in mental health through
community, connection, and collaboration.

LUCID was created to help you align your intentions with your actions as co-creators of your own reality. A safe place that celebrates mental health care, allows you to learn more about your mental health, and grow holistically through meaningful connection.

  • Anxiety Disorders

  • Coping Skills

  • Depression

  • Racial Identity

  • Self Esteem

  • Trauma - PTSD

  • Women’s Issues

  • Spirituality

  • Life Transitions

  • Codependency

  • Self-Care

  • Borderline Personality Disorder


Brandi takes a synergistic approach to therapy using both shadow work and soul-based healing that can be organically and transparently intertwined.

Shadow and Inner Child Work


Shadow work and inner-child work is a synergistic process of integrating parts of your psyche that our conscious minds deem unacceptable as a result of trauma in childhood. Shadow work focuses primarily on the awareness and identification of the wounds you’ve inherited by trauma. Inner child work focuses on healing and processing those wounds to meet the needs that didn’t receive in childhood.

Physical Awareness


Our physical awareness isn’t just about movement and exercise. The food we consume is fuel, our daily habits are the foundation of our relationship with ourselves, and our environment can serve as a catalyst for healing. Therefore, attuning to your physical presence is a key piece to feeling safe and grounded in your life. 

Spiritual Wellness


You cannot pour from an empty cup. Spiritual wellness means feeding your soul regardless of religion, beliefs, or spiritual practices. The challenges you will experience in therapy can be fostered by using tools like meditation, breathing, practicing gratitude or exploring practices that work for you. There’s a greater purpose for you and you owe it to yourself to learn to ground yourself and nurture your purpose. 

Emotional Wellness


Our brains weren’t meant to make us happy it’s meant to keep us alive, that’s why our emotions can be confusing and sometimes contradicting. However, our response to our emotions is rooted in our awareness of them. The key to emotional health is non-judgement, tolerance, and acceptance. Learning to discern between a traumatic response and intuition can help us identify triggers, validate our emotions, and increase our emotional intelligence.

Intellectual Wellness


Mindset matters. This means being intentional and engaged in what we learn and do. That can be learning more about mental health, reading, developing new skills, taking a new course, or practicing mindfulness. On your healing journey, you will develop new skills, explore your mind, and improve your intuition through knowledge and insight.

Social Wellness


We sometimes forget about the role we play in others’ lives and the role we play in our own. Our social element encompasses our relationship with ourselves and others. Through shadow and inner work, we can uncover wounds that affect how we show up in relationships, how we show up for ourselves, and our perspective on relationships.